Tuesday, April 17, 2012

JOSEPH CARYL (1602-1673) ON JOB 1:12

 I know I have published this before (I think last year), but it is so good I wanted to do it again. Please read. Puritan Joseph Caryl wrote the most exhaustive book ever on Job;  12 volumes! Read it!

Until God gives commission, Satan hath no power over the estates or persons of God's people, or over anything that belongs unto them. Neither our persons, nor our estates are subject to the will of either men or devils. Christ must say, “All that he hath is in thy hand” before Satan can touch a shoe-latchet. As Christ said John 19:11 unto Pilate, when he spake so stoutly “Knowest thou not that I have power to crucifie thee, and power to release thee?” He thought that he had all power in his hand: but Christ tells him, “Thou couldst have no power at all against me unless it were given thee from above.” If the Devils could not go in the swine, much less can they meddle with a man, made after God's image, till God gives them leave.

Every soul that hath interest in Christ may suck comfort and consolation in the saddest, in the sorrowfullest day from the breast of this truth. If Satan and wicked men cannot move till Christ saith “go”, nor wound till Christ saith “strike”, nor spoil, nor kill, till Christ saith “their estates, their lives are in your power”, surely Christ will not speak a word to their hurt, whom he loves, nor will he ever suffer his enemies to do a real damage to his friends. Beside it may fill the soul with unspeakable joy, to remember, that, while a man is suffering, the will of Christ is doing.

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