Monday, February 28, 2011


(Jonathon Edwards is known for being perhaps the greatest theologian in American history. He was instrumental in the great Awakening in New England. He was a preacher famous for preaching "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God". This was a sermon that moved many, and which God was pleased to use to bring many to Himself. We likely will place it here soon. here is a smaller, but profound quote for you.)

Though true grace has various degrees, and there are some that are but babes in Christ, in whom the exercise of the inclination and will, towards divine and heavenly things, is comparatively weak; yet everyone that has the power of godliness in his heart, has his inclinations and heart exercised towards God
and divine things, with such strength and vigor that these holy exercises do prevail in him above all carnal or natural affections, and are effectual to overcome them: for every true disciple of Christ "loves him above father or mother, wife and children, brethren and sisters, houses and lands: yea, than his own life."

Friday, February 18, 2011


"God makes what use He pleases of men, of mighty men, of those that act with the greatest freedom; and, when they think to do as they please, He can overrule them and make them do as He pleases. Nay, in those very things wherein they are serving themselves, and look no further than that, God is serving His own purposes by them and making them to perform all His pleasure. Rich princes shall do what poor prophets have foretold"

Monday, February 7, 2011


Puritan pastor John Flavel (1628-1691) was the son of a dissenting pastor Richard Flavel who died in 1665 of the plague while in prison. Like so many of the Puritans, John Flavel was a deep student of God's word. He pastored in Dartmouth, England and some of his writings concerning Christ are the sweetest in the vast Puritan legacy. Perhaps his best known works are Keeping the Heart, The Fountain of Life Opened, and The Mystery of Providence.


How worthy is Jesus Christ of all our love and delights? You see how infinitely the Father delighteth in him, how he ravishes the heart of God; and shall he not ravish our hearts? I present you a Christ this day, able to ravish any soul that will but view and consider him. O that you did but see this lovely Lord Jesus Christ! Then would you go home sick of love: surely he is a drawing Saviour, John 12: 32.

Why do ye lavish away your precious affections upon vanity: None but Christ is worthy of them: when you spend your precious affections upon other objects, what is it but to dig for dross with golden mattocks? The Lord direct our hearts into the love Of Christ. O that our hearts, loves and delights did meet the heart of God in this most blessed object! O let him that left God’s bosom for you, be embosomed by you, though yours be nothing to God’s; he that left God’s bosom for you, deserves yours.


Christ is the very essence of all delights and pleasures, the very soul and substance of them. As all the rivers are gathered into the ocean, which is the meeting-place of all the waters in the world, so Christ is that ocean in which all true delights and pleasures meet.